Your feedback is really important to us. Please take a moment to complete the questionnaire. Many thanks. Name(Required) First Last Email Menopause Cafe Name(Required)Date of Cafe(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY This field is hidden when viewing the formStart Time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM This field is hidden when viewing the formDurationPlease enter a number from 30 to 240.length in minutesCafe type(Required) In person Online Workplace Event?(Required) No Yes Total number of participantsPlease enter a number from 0 to 250.Did you enjoy hosting a Menopause Cafe?If this is your first café, please tell us why you decided to host one.This field is hidden when viewing the formWhy did you decide to host/facilitate a Menopause Café?This field is hidden when viewing the formWould you host another? Yes No Other VenuePlease include a selection of topics discussed:Anything you would do differently?Any other comments/feedback: The information you provide here will be used to review how Menopause Café is delivered and to evaluate its impact. Any information* you provide will be reported anonymously, and treated in the respectful way it was shared.Consent * Please tick box if you are happy for us to share this information anonymously We would greatly appreciate copies of any photographs that you would like us to share via our social media channels. Please send photos to us at: menopausecafe [at] if you have permission of the people in the pictures. Lastly, many thanks for being part of the Menopause Café movement & helping us to create even more spaces for conversations about menopause!